Cranes Selection Guide : As per Indian Standard Specifications 807 and 3177 Cranes have basically divided four Classes.
Class I - Light Duty Cranes
These are normal maintenance cranes which are not constant use.Cranes for periodical maintenance of plant and machinery come under this category.These type of cranes are required for maximum 1000 working houses per annum.Their speed are slow the structures are light.
Class II - Medium Duty Cranes
This class perhaps covers the largest number of cranes
used by the industry,in workshop,Foundries, Processing plants, important ware-houses
and infact every area where the feir degree of activity exists. These cranes are designed for maximum 2000 working hours per annum.
Class III - Heavy Duty Cranes
For workshop and production shops,where the cranes,in
addition to normal handling work,also become a part of production process by helping
production particularly in thoe workshops which run 2/3 shifts per day.The total
working load on the cranes is about 3000 hours per annum.
Class IV - Extra Heavy Duty Cranes
This class includes very special cranes of highest importance in steel industry,
cement industry, improtant strong houses and some other selected
industries.These are for continuous duty operation.